Monday, October 20, 2014

My New Reality

Typically at the end of July, I am feeling nervous, anxious and excited as I prepare to head back to the classroom to prepare for another year with my students. This year, my new reality truly set in when those feelings didn't come and my friends started going back to work. This was it...what I have been dreaming of since the moment I found out I was pregnant with Benjamin! While, of course, there are difficult days that leave me wondering why I chose to quit working, I truly do appreciate every puke and poop and toddler-screaming filled moment and wouldn't change it for the world! Though some things are spot on, not everything is quite like I envisioned it would be...

* Freedom! We have been traveling a lot lately and it is even more awesome than I thought it would be to not have to worry about taking days off and black out days and finding a sub and writing sub plans!!!

* Time is not plenty! Seriously, being a working parent is is so hard to find that balance and to truly enjoy each part of your life and I now have an even greater respect for those that choose to or have to work. I figured I would have a ton of time to cook healthy meals, keep the house spotless, do frequent blog posts (!!), catch up on all the projects I have been wanting to do, start a garden, etc. etc. But after I am done feeding mouths, wiping butts, playing Cars and reading Boom Chicka Rock for the 8th time today, I realize I spend my time much differently than expected...and love every second of it! 

* All glamour is gone! Well, not all of it...but my idea of dressing up cute and looking pretty for my husband every day is gone. Most days I am happy if I can make it to bedtime without being spit-up on...which I swear happens right after I get out of the shower and leaves me with no intention to reshower! When I do get dressed in something other than gym shorts and a sports bra to leave the house, I am still mindful that what I wear is easy to nurse Carson in public. And that's another thing - I always pumped to feed Ben in public and if I did have to nurse, I used an uncomfortable (for both of us!) cover that was often left exposing anyway. I have either lost inhibition or care - or both! - and feed Carson when he is hungry. Though I do sit in an inconspicuous spot and leave myself as covered as possible, we are all much happier this way! 

* I still feel guilty to put myself in my line of priorities. Okay - I am getting way better with this, especially in the past few weeks because I am realizing that I still need to be me to be the best wife, mom and ME that I can be! I am learning that it is okay to take time away from the boys, even during their waking hours, to do things that are important to me! Greg is helping me to move away from the feeling that since it is now "my job" to take care of the kids, I am on 100% of the time. And while most days that's true, Greg is encouraging me to take time to myself and that he and the boys are going to be just fine without me! Which leads me to...

* Greg's help is different and good enough. Anyone who knows me knows that I can be a bit anal and slightly compulsive. So I like things done a certain way, so what? The problem is that I will redo things the way I like after Greg's much appreciated effort. In my eyes, I love the help and would rather rearrange the dishes in the dishwasher than have to do all the dishes myself! But does it really matter which shelf the towels are on or which container of baby food Carson eats or which shoes Ben is wearing or how the apple is cut? Whatever! I am learning that it's not done wrong, it's just done differently...and that's okay!!

* I still look forward to weekends. I thought every day would be the same and I would never know what day it is, but I have found that I still totally love the weekends. I absolutely love our family time and the fun things we go do when Greg is home! So even though I don't punch a clock on Monday morning, Greg does. And that leaves me looking forward to Friday!

* It's not as lonely as I thought it would be. There are days that I get lonely still, but I get more adult interaction than I expected. Stroller Strides has been huge for this! Classes are offered 5-6 days a week, so it is up to me to get up and moving and out the door. I am pretty good at getting there. It helps that I get to exercise with like-minded, amazing and motivating mommies with my boys in the stroller! I have always been super shy, but I am developing friendships, Ben and Carson get to play with the other kiddos and I am stronger, leaner and feeling better than I have in a really long time!

* I miss working. Well, sort of. I miss seeing some of my co-workers turned friends every day. I miss the excitement when one of my students sees success. I miss being the safe place for that child that feels misunderstood. I miss the sincere thank yous from parents that recognize and truly appreciate the all-to-often thankless job of a special educator. I do not, however, miss the endless paperwork!

* This is the best I have ever felt about myself. And also the worst. Being a parent is hard. Whether you work, don't work, have one, have six (I'm guessing it doesn't get easier, but who knows?), do it with a partner or without (I can't even imagine!!), being a parent is hard. I am critical of myself every single day, but my boys are alive and happy and seemingly doing really well. So I guess Greg and I are doing okay and I'll keep on doing what I think is best and let their growth and progress whittle away my parenting doubts!

All in all, I have to say I am utterly enjoying my new reality!
Here are a few of my favorites from the past few months...
Silly boy!

Tubby at his 4 month check-up

Ben insisted on wearing these July.
This is how I found him when I went to check on him.

So what if he eats his food like a dog?
At least he's eating! :)

Bathtub photos are always cute! 

Haha! Shilo walked in on Ben like this - apparently
he's seen mommy a few times...


That smile!!!

We were at the zoo and Ben wanted to walk until Myles
got in his seat. Logically he sat on his lap! It worked!

When is a naked butt in daddy's shoes not cute? 

Love the eyebrow with the snarled lip!

Captain America dad and son drumming it up at the
Phoenix Children's Museum.

Ben loves his "Bill Bill Bill"!

Boobies! Perfect smile...haha!! 

Does every kid have an underwear on his head photo?
Can you hear him saying "What? Not on my head!"

Stop looking at me frog....

Ben was hesitant at first, but Papa helped him get
comfortable and he loved the birds at the Albuquerque zoo!


Even he thinks that baby in the mirror is super cute!


Ben laid on Carson's lap and it was super cute...for a
second...until this........


I so love when B wears a hat. And sadly, this is typical
attire around here! 

Get 3 cousins under 3 together and this is about the best you get for photos!

Man I love this boy!!

I am one seriously lucky gal!!

Grama loves her boys! 

Those eyes!!! Love!!!

I love this photo! Daddy was leaving for work and B made him stop and
take this photo. Just a typical day in my crazy amazing world!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

And Carson Makes Four!!

So he's here!  And our family is now four.  We are so incredibly thankful for our Carson Allan Winget.  The past 6 weeks have been insanely fast, so I'll just summarize by way of photos.  There's a lot, so get your scroll bars ready!!  ;)

One last belly shot...this is the day before Carson
was born!  And now I know why I felt HUGE!!
Carson Allan Winget
12:05 PM
9 pounds 5 ounces
21 inches
Doesn't every newborn get a photo like this? 
Dr. Jackson is seriously the most AMAZING very thankful for him!!!
Grama (with a very unsure Benjamin in the back!)
Benjamin wasn't sure what to think of seeing Carson -
he was so comfortable with "brudder" being in
mommy's tummy!
Not sure where it came from (and I was genuinely
scared it wouldn't!!!) but I am so incredibly in love!!

GrandpaDon and GrandmaDee
I love sweet!! 

Kisses!!! Haha!

I love my Shilo!

Getting more comfortable with this...
Carson even brought Benjamin a gift to the hospital.
Ben thinks he's pretty cool after he sees his new cars!
Meeting Jonnie, though look at those questioning
eyes from Carson!

Benjamin is excited to have a brother to play with
and is really good at sharing all his toys.  We have
had to learn to do it gently!  Ben does get frustrated
because he wants Carson to play NOW!


Newborn doctor appointment at 3 days.  Such a big
boy! At the office (in front of the doctor) is actually
the first time he rolled over, but we thought it was a
fluke from the momentum of his big 'ol head! Guess not!

If daddy wins his Baseball Fantasy league this year,
credit can be given to Carson for helping him draft a
winning team.

Trying out everything of Carson's!  I wonder if he
remembers any of this stuff as his.

This makes me laugh!  Ben wanted to hold Carson
but he wouldn't stop crying.  Ben looks like "Whoa!
Get this thing away from me!"

Uncle J and Merrell.  So loved having them here and
I'm sure they enjoyed the perfect AZ spring weather!

Classic shot around our house these days! Love this!

I so love this in love with these boys!!

Ben and his buddy - Grampa Bill

Great Grandma Marilyn

Uncle Mike
So they call me crazy, but 2 days home from the hospital
and we had my mom's family come visit (and stay at Hotel
Chou - THANK YOU Jonnie!!) to surprise my mom for her
60th birthday.  It was a little overwhelming, but it allowed
them to meet Carson when they otherwise wouldn't and it
actually provided a lot more helping hands to allow me
time to rest!! :)  Love you all and you are always welcome!

Seriously?  So freakin' cute!!!

Apparently Carson has no problems expressing his
displeasure with me for taking him in to get clipped!

Benjamin found a great friend in Uncle Mike and was
not happy with him leaving. :(  In fact, just yesterday
Ben was drawing with chalk on the patio (which he did
with Uncle Mike) and asked "Where Mike go?"  Aww!

Benjamin loves to hold Carson's hand in the truck!

Within the first week of being home, Benjamin got
super sick.  Even feeling like crap, he is so darn cute!
That was a rough time though and I am eternally
grateful to my mom for being here during that time!!

Morning snuggle time has become routine!!

Look, I got bubbles!!
Carson is already that face!!

Benjamin in his new "big boy bed".  It was not
the easiest first night, but he has transitioned fairly
well.  Nap times suck though...ha!

Definitely brothers!!

My cousin loved having her and her family
visit and meet Carson!  Her girls even enjoyed the
freezing (at least to me!!) cold pool!

Freddy getting some Carson time.

This picture is hilarious to me!  When B hears Pharrell's
"Happy" come on the radio, he yells "GRUUUUU!!!"
At this time, he was making his cars dance to the song! month already! Big boy weighed in at 12 pounds and was
23 1/4 inches!  Yikes!

Artwork is serious business!  I have started taking
photos of all of his masterpieces with date so I can
create a photo book...should be fun for us to look
back on years from now!

You would think we don't feed our children.  Apparently
plain hamburger buns is a meal of choice...haha!

The transition to the big boy bed has been especially
difficult at nap time.  This is where he ended up one of
the first couple days. 

Daddy and Benjamin at the this!

One of my favorites!  Papa finally got to come up to
meet Carson and have fun with B at the zoo.  Benjamin
is looking mighty cool like his Uncle J (thanks for the
sweatshirt!)  On a fantastic side note - Papa is now
100% cancer free!!!!

Love cuddle time with my boys!!

Benjamin always lines up his cars to race. 
"Ready? Gooooo!!!!"

Man...this face!!!
Never get enough of these smiles!!!

The many faces of Carson already.  Love this!
Laughter that makes me smile every time I hear it!  Our poor doggies!!